Thursday, November 20, 2014

Orthodoxy in America: Will Increasing Political Conservatism Lead to Increasingly Becoming a High Church Sect? | Red River Orthodox

Orthodoxy in America: Will Increasing Political Conservatism Lead to Increasingly Becoming a High Church Sect? | Red River Orthodox:

Claude S. Fischer recently wrote an intriguing sociology of religion article for the Boston Review. The data is data that’s been well known for some time. The “spiritual but not religious” or the “nones” category is growing and growing fast. What is fascinating in this article, though, is that he correlates the rate of that group’s growth with political views. In sum, the more a church coheres with values of “the Christian right,” the less likely it is to attract members who believe in God but call themselves spiritual but not religious. In fact, the data suggests such churches not only fail to attract such people, but push such people away.

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