Thursday, February 25, 2010

Are There Secular Reasons? - Opinionator Blog -

Are There Secular Reasons? - Opinionator Blog - ". . . the secular vocabulary within which public discourse is constrained today is insufficient to convey our full set of normative convictions and commitments. We manage to debate normative matters anyway — but only by smuggling in notions that are formally inadmissible, and hence that cannot be openly acknowledged or adverted to."

Saturday, February 13, 2010

What’s the buzz | bidorbuy blog

What’s the buzz | bidorbuy blog: "Here are a few helpful hints for those who get overwhelmed by Buzz:

* Stay away from fellow-Buzzers who are popular and likely to have a large following.
* If a particular thread gets too chatty and annoying, silence it: choose Mute from More Actions menu in Gmail. To mute a post from within Buzz, choose Mute this post from Comment drop-down menu.
* To kill Buzz altogether, go to the bottom of your Gmail account and look for turn off buzz link. Click it to opt out of Buzz updates and hide the Buzz link permanently."

Friday, February 12, 2010

Julia Duin: My book is finally out!

Julia Duin: My book is finally out!: "'Days of Fire and Glory: The Rise and Fall of a Charismatic Community' is about one of the most gifted leaders of the charismatic movement and the newspaper reporter who unwittingly unearthed his secret.

Millions of evangelical Christians who lived through the Jesus movement and the charismatic renewal of the 1970s and 1980s wish to process what happened them in the early days of their faith. Some even moved into Christian community households to replicate the pattern of the early church in Acts 2."