Saturday, June 14, 2008


Adventus: "I'm listening (as I write) to a local radio program, and Stephen Kinzer is promoting his book about Rwanda, so he's talking about the Rwanda genocides, and mentions that people are starting to forgive their attackers, the murderers of their family members, etc. Forgiveness, he says, is not rational, so he's convinced this forgiveness springs from religion, from what believers understand God wants. He repeats it several times: forgiveness is not rational."

Thursday, June 12, 2008

James G. Abourezk: Deadly Fallout From Obama's Groveling Before Israel Lobby

James G. Abourezk: Deadly Fallout From Obama's Groveling Before Israel Lobby: "Thus, presidential candidates, one of whom will really become the President of the United States, enabling Israeli aggression can, and has, resulted in the deaths and suffering of tens of thousands of Arabs, in Lebanon, in Palestine, and in Iraq. Such rhetoric allows Israel, with U.S. help, to attempt to starve into submission Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, people who had the temerity to take seriously Bush’s promises of democracy in the Arab world. Despite Israel’s blockade of medicines, food, electricity and other necessities to Gazans, the American government and the American mainstream media have voiced not one word of protest. The U.S. only gives Israel more money and more weapons to continue the attempted starvation."

Friday, June 06, 2008

Bigger than a Breadbox

Bigger than a Breadbox: "An interesting question came in my inbox the other day – I (along with a bazillion or so of my best friends) am on the email list of Kh. Frederica Mathewes-Green , and she posed the question “What movies are better than the book that they are based on?” The reason for her question was her review of Prince Caspian (which I haven’t seen yet).*"

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Top 5 Things Every Extrovert Should Know About Introverts � Self Improvement Blog -

Top 5 Things Every Extrovert Should Know About Introverts � Self Improvement Blog - "The reason why the majority of people think that there’s something wrong with introverts is because the majority of people aren’t very knowledgeable when it comes to introverts, in terms of why they are the way they are and why they do the things they do."