Friday, November 28, 2008

Andy Borowitz: Obama's Use of Complete Sentences Stirs Controversy

Andy Borowitz: Obama's Use of Complete Sentences Stirs Controversy: "In the first two weeks since the election, President-elect Barack Obama has broken with a tradition established over the past eight years through his controversial use of complete sentences, political observers say.

Millions of Americans who watched Mr. Obama's appearance on CBS's 60 Minutes on Sunday witnessed the president-elect's unorthodox verbal tic, which had Mr. Obama employing grammatically correct sentences virtually every time he opened his mouth.

But Mr. Obama's decision to use complete sentences in his public pronouncements carries with it certain risks, since after the last eight years many Americans may find his odd speaking style jarring."

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

News - South Africa: Woman tells of trauma of muthi claims

News - South Africa: Woman tells of trauma of muthi claims: "Vusi Sixikixa 19 Monwabisi Jali 25 and Sonwabile 'Sbhamu' Qhosha 24 have appeared in court charged with the murders. The case was postponed to May 8. 'Of course the lies are spread by people who know what they are doing. But it doesn t stop ordinary people from believing them ' said Dlongolo. 'It is very sad. If human parts were found in my tavern freezer why was I not arrested and charged I asked people to produce the body parts and tell me what had been done with them. No one has come forward and yet the rumours keep getting worse. 'If I was really a mastermind why have those boys who confessed to the murders not implicated me The police are under pressure to arrest the killers and they would have jailed me and announced they had caught the big fish.' '"

Friday, November 21, 2008

Anglican Wanderings: If You Think This is the Future, Look Away Now!

Anglican Wanderings: If You Think This is the Future, Look Away Now!: "If yes, it's pretty easy, most of them like new people joining and especially would love an ex-Anglican or Roman Priest to join. If no, then avoid GAFCON like the plague, because all the groups listed above are in full, equal communion with them. READ ALL ABOUT IT. I have said before that GAFCON do not share our faith or morals, our sacraments or understanding of the scriptures and that they are (and this is not a criticism, they are as welcome to their views as we are to ours) not, in any recognisable way, Catholic. We would make our bed with them at our absolute peril and at the danger of the destruction of ourselves and our realignment with a body as unconcerned with apostolic succession as they are with the sanctity of the Sacraments."

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


ORTHODOXY IN THE 21st CENTURY: PERSONALISM: a brief critique: "While one cannot consent to the theology expressed in Personalism, it is an admirable philosophy, and since it includes the wonderful Dorothy Day, at least some of its adherents actually put its concepts into real practice. My critique is with regards to the theological precepts, not the philosophical concepts, and certainly not a critique of those self-less people who put those concepts into practice."

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sword in the Fire: Acts 6 - Stephen and the First Deacons

Sword in the Fire: Acts 6 - Stephen and the First Deacons: "Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, & Nicolas were chosen by the Apostles as the first deacons. Although the word deacon never appears in this passage, it seems apparent based on later descriptions of the diaconate. Also Church tradition looks to this as the origin of the office of deacon.

Here are a summary of the lives of these men after they were chosen (taken from the OCA website)."

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Yosuke YANASE on TEFL and general affairs: Keywords for Prof. Alastair Pennycook's Critical Applied Linguistics #3

Yosuke YANASE on TEFL and general affairs: Keywords for Prof. Alastair Pennycook's Critical Applied Linguistics #3: "Keywords for Prof. Alastair Pennycook's Critical Applied Linguistics #3
1.2 Hisitorical / political terms

1.2.1 Enlightenment

A dictionary definition of the Enlightenment is 'a philosophic movement of the 18th century characterized by an untrammeled but frequently uncritical use of reason, a lively questioning of authority and traditional doctrines and values, a tendency toward individualism, and an emphasis on the idea of universal human progress and on the empirical method in science.' (Merriam-Webster's Unabridged Dictionary)."

phislosophical definitions, with useful web links. Includes liberalism, Marxism, feminism -- good summaries

How pluralism distorts biblical salvation

How pluralism distorts biblical salvation: "A clear definition of postmodernism can be elusive. One might say the view of postmodernism is characterized by irrationality of thought. Instead of saying a thing is either black or white, postmodernism says a thing can be black and white at the same time. Or, though a thing is obviously white, it can be non-white at the same time. The definition of postmodernism can be just as slippery as the phenomenon it attempts to label."

Postmodernism from a conservative evangelical Protestant point of view.

A fairly well-argued position.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Humanist weddings grow in popularity in Scotland | Ekklesia

Humanist weddings grow in popularity in Scotland | Ekklesia: "The recent growth in humanist marriages in Scotland means they have overtaken Episcopal ceremonies for the first time, say organisers of the ceremonies. Since they were first made legal their number rose from 82 in 2005 to 710 in 2007.

The Humanist Society of Scotland (HSS) now says it expects to marry over 1,000 couples this year and predicts it will help 1,500 more to tie the knot in 2009, reports Scotland on Sunday newspaper."

Friday, October 24, 2008

Northern KwaZulu-Natal Courier, Dundee: Dundee man’s important, relevant book

Northern KwaZulu-Natal Courier, Dundee: Dundee man’s important, relevant book: "RA Burns ran the local newspaper, The Northern Natal Courier. A family friend, Mr DL Paul, worked there for years.
The Savoy cinema and Murugan Talkies were our weekend entertainment. I worshipped at St James Anglican Church.

I remember, as a boy, Reverend Tomes and later, Reverend Ivor Glass. Our Sunday school teacher was George Robson, Evan Jones, our youth mentor, guided us in our Youth Group on Friday evenings.

On Sunday, we window-shopped and enjoyed the company of family and friends."

Monday, October 20, 2008

Contact Online Weblog: Why Postmodernism and the Emerging Church threaten Missions and World Evangelism

Contact Online Weblog: Why Postmodernism and the Emerging Church threaten Missions and World Evangelism: "I am told that there are Anglican churches here in South Africa embracing this new deviation of the Christian faith. which, as I understand it so far, seems to be a kind of neo-liberalism. There is more on the site linked below on the Emerging Church which may be of interest to readers"

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Presbyterian Gal: MICHELANGELO GOES HOME: "After a two year visit to the United States, Michelangelo's David goes home to Italy"

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Sub Ratione Dei

Sub Ratione Dei: "Most will by know of seen, or at least heard of Sarah Palin’s remarks on the occasion of attending a graduation service for Wasilla Assembles of God Church. This is not a post about Palin. The truth is I am highly suspicious when politicians refer to their faith, I do not know whether Palin’s religion is genuine of a ploy. However, if a ploy then this is just as concerning for it indicates something of pentecostalism’s current identity crisis."

Sunday, July 13, 2008

World's Most Successful AIDS Prevention Programme in Uganda "Sabotaged" by Western "Experts"

World's Most Successful AIDS Prevention Programme in Uganda "Sabotaged" by Western "Experts": "World's Most Successful AIDS Prevention Programme in Uganda 'Sabotaged' by Western 'Experts'
Western advisors used their control of international funding to force a change in direction to condoms and casual sex

By Hilary White

KAMPALA, Uganda, July 11, 2008 ( - While the US Senate considers a proposal to allocate US$50 million more for AIDS prevention programmes, one Ugandan expert says it will be wasted money if the attitudes of the Western AIDS prevention community towards AIDS transmission do not change. In a column appearing in the Washington Post on June 30, one of Uganda's leading AIDS prevention experts called on the Western 'experts' to 'Let my people go.'"

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

PAF-LUG BLOG: GenCircles & MyHeritage Merge

PAF-LUG BLOG: GenCircles & MyHeritage Merge: "We have a very exciting announcement to share with you! Pearl Street Software, maker of GenCircles and Family Tree Legends, has merged with In the first of many positive developments that will come from this merger, Family Tree Legends and GenCircles are now 100% free!"

Thursday, July 03, 2008


AKSN1P3R: "Nanoblogging or micro-blogging is the popular social media trend and Kwippy promises to pull out an IM that makes nanoblogging easier by storing all your personal status updates as kwips. This is no Facebook status-changing game but a more trustworthy type of social-networking service. It is a web-application, a nano/micro-blogger and an instant messenger AIO!"

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Adventus: "I'm listening (as I write) to a local radio program, and Stephen Kinzer is promoting his book about Rwanda, so he's talking about the Rwanda genocides, and mentions that people are starting to forgive their attackers, the murderers of their family members, etc. Forgiveness, he says, is not rational, so he's convinced this forgiveness springs from religion, from what believers understand God wants. He repeats it several times: forgiveness is not rational."

Thursday, June 12, 2008

James G. Abourezk: Deadly Fallout From Obama's Groveling Before Israel Lobby

James G. Abourezk: Deadly Fallout From Obama's Groveling Before Israel Lobby: "Thus, presidential candidates, one of whom will really become the President of the United States, enabling Israeli aggression can, and has, resulted in the deaths and suffering of tens of thousands of Arabs, in Lebanon, in Palestine, and in Iraq. Such rhetoric allows Israel, with U.S. help, to attempt to starve into submission Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, people who had the temerity to take seriously Bush’s promises of democracy in the Arab world. Despite Israel’s blockade of medicines, food, electricity and other necessities to Gazans, the American government and the American mainstream media have voiced not one word of protest. The U.S. only gives Israel more money and more weapons to continue the attempted starvation."

Friday, June 06, 2008

Bigger than a Breadbox

Bigger than a Breadbox: "An interesting question came in my inbox the other day – I (along with a bazillion or so of my best friends) am on the email list of Kh. Frederica Mathewes-Green , and she posed the question “What movies are better than the book that they are based on?” The reason for her question was her review of Prince Caspian (which I haven’t seen yet).*"

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Top 5 Things Every Extrovert Should Know About Introverts � Self Improvement Blog -

Top 5 Things Every Extrovert Should Know About Introverts � Self Improvement Blog - "The reason why the majority of people think that there’s something wrong with introverts is because the majority of people aren’t very knowledgeable when it comes to introverts, in terms of why they are the way they are and why they do the things they do."

Friday, May 23, 2008

Ecclesiology & Ecumenism: Update � Inhabitatio Dei

Ecclesiology & Ecumenism: Update � Inhabitatio Dei: "Here is a further-updated list of all my posts on ecclesiology and ecumenism:

* On Remaining Protestant
* Protestantism and Catholicity
* Apostolic Succession or Theological Continuity?
* The Persistence of Protestant Identity: More Harm than Good?"

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Indypendent � Pastor Pop Quiz!

The Indypendent � Pastor Pop Quiz!: "While pundits have excoriated Senator Barack Obama for his years long relationship with Wright, Senator John McCain has largely escaped scrutiny as he embraces ministers who have made inflammatory remarks about Islam, Jews, women, Catholics, gays and pretty much anyone who is not a white evangelical Christian.

This episode also reveals the gulf between the black church and white evangelicals. For one, Wright’s remarks are similar to those made by some of the most venerated black leaders in U.S. history, such as Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr."

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Picasso Dreams: Counter Culture Covert Op?

Picasso Dreams: Counter Culture Covert Op?: "What do Frank Zappa, David Crosby, Jackson Brown, Mama Cass, Jim Morrison, John Phillips, Stephen Stills, Mike Nesmith (Monkees), Cory Wells (Three Dog Night), America (Gerry Beckley, Dan Peek and Dewey Bunnell), and Warren Zevon, have in common?

All became leading members of the counter-culture within a few years time. The majority came from military/intelligence families."

Friday, April 25, 2008

Cohen: Bring on the right biofuels - International Herald Tribune

Cohen: Bring on the right biofuels - International Herald Tribune: "The supposed crimes of biofuels are manifold. They're behind soaring global commodity prices, the destruction of the Amazon rain forest, increased rather than diminished greenhouse gases, food riots in Haiti, Indonesian deforestation and, no doubt, your mother-in-law's toothache.

Most of this, to borrow a farm image, is hogwash and bilge.

I'll grant that the fashion for biofuels led to excess, and that some farm-to-fuel-plant conversion, particularly in subsidized U.S. and European markets, makes no sense. But biofuels remain very much part of the solution. It just depends which biofuels."

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Future Fit � Blog Archive � A dispassionate look at crime

Future Fit � Blog Archive � A dispassionate look at crime: "The second empirical fact is that several categories of crime have declined. A critic of the government and certainly no friend of the Mbeki administration, The SA Institute for Race Relations, reported that 8 of 12 crime categories have declined over the period 1994/5 to 2005/6. This is confirmed by victim surveys. In victim surveys official stats are ignored and a sample of the population is asked if they experienced crime, what types of crime, how often and so on. These victim surveys confirm the official stats the SAIRR used.

Some of the crimes that decreased and the percentage by which they decreased (measured in the standard measurement of crimes per 100 000 of the population) are murder (41%), attempted murder (36,5%), car theft (32,8%) & commercial crime (28,9%).

The crimes that increased, according to the SAIRR analysis are rape (1,6%), indecent assault (106%), aggravating robbery (16,8%) and drug related crimes (72,4%)."

Monday, April 21, 2008

Morehead's Musings

Morehead's Musings: "I recently became aware of a new scholarly translation of the infamous Malleus Maleficarum by Dr. Christopher Mackay of the University of Alberta."

Monday, March 24, 2008

A conservative blog for peace

A conservative blog for peace: "Can we be as precise as to say [the Crucifixion happened at] 3pm, the Jewish “ninth hour”? Four years ago, a pair of astronomers claimed to have scientifically verified this. Their computer programme looking at star activity between 26AD and 35AD found the first full moon after the vernal equinox was registered on Friday 7 April AD 30 and Friday 3 April at 3pm on 33AD. The solar eclipse, described in the Bible, was only visible in Jerusalem on the latter date."

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Friday, March 21, 2008

Celtic Spirituality: Just what does it mean? [Thinking Faith - the online journal of the British Jesuits]

Celtic Spirituality: Just what does it mean? [Thinking Faith - the online journal of the British Jesuits]: "Ireland celebrates the Feast of St Patrick tomorrow (early, as it cannot be celebrated in Holy Week). But what would St Patrick - arguably the most famous Celtic saint - make of the practices and beliefs called 'Celtic Spirituality' today? Liam Tracey OSM examines whether the Celtic church was really anything like the romantic picture often painted of it."

Saturday, March 15, 2008

March 19 Iraq War Blogswarm: Participate / Learn More About the Blogswarm Against the Iraq War

March 19 Iraq War Blogswarm: Participate / Learn More About the Blogswarm Against the Iraq War: "This blogswarm will promote blog postings opposing the war in Iraq and calling for a full withdrawal of foreign occupying forces in Iraq. Five years of an illegal and catastrophic war is five years too many. On the March 19 anniversary of the conquest of Iraq by the Bush Administration, there needs to be a loud volume of voices countering the pro-war propaganda from far too many politicians and corporate media outlets."

Dion's random ramblings

Dion's random ramblings: "Today, however, I want to recommend a tool for students and scholars of the Bible that will help to deepen and enliven the content of your presentations or sermons. The tool is called 'The resurgence Greek project'. It is one of the very best free Biblical Greek resources available on the internet!"

Tuesday, March 11, 2008 "The Army officer in charge of the interrogation/torture operation at Abu Ghraib in late 2003 is being court-martialed. My first thought was: Finally an officer is being held accountable. In view of the repeated rebuff to my own attempts to stop the torture and identify those responsible, however, you will perhaps excuse my skepticism that justice will be done."

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Hippie Christian: Should We Go Back To The Communes?

Hippie Christian: Should We Go Back To The Communes?: "I am not suggesting that we all live in a 60's style commune to be closer to the early faith communities. I'm talking about developing a stronger community that looks beyond the 'church' building, one that embraces the concept of a family of believers called out from a life of sin and joined together with a common purpose of building each other up and spreading the Gospel." � Blog Archive � If it’s hip and trendy, they’re not interested � Blog Archive � If it’s hip and trendy, they’re not interested: "Just what is hip has become nebulous in a digital age of microtrends, when a cultural blip goes from underground to overexposed in one season. Likewise, the original concept of hip as something outside the purview of the mainstream has been replaced by the hipstream: mainstream cool packaged by corporate marketing departments.

The inevitable backlash — not against the bohemian veritas but the sycophantic consumer of cool — is well underway."

The Ochlophobist: catharsis, sex, an aside concerning von Balthasar, the trivial nature of drama, the song of songs, usual ochlophobic topics, part V.

The Ochlophobist: catharsis, sex, an aside concerning von Balthasar, the trivial nature of drama, the song of songs, usual ochlophobic topics, part V.: "We live in the age of 'lifestyle centers.' Wiki says of these: 'A lifestyle center is a shopping center or mixed-used commercial development that combines the traditional retail functions of a shopping mall but with leisure amenities oriented towards upscale consumers.' The designation stems from developers located in Memphis, which might seem odd, but most certainly is not. There are also 'lifestyle coaches' and 'lifestyle managers' for the so inclined bourgeoisie.

We should note this combination of the words style and life. What is meant by style?"

Some Children Left Behind: The Revolution Will Be Televised (and Advertised)

Some Children Left Behind: The Revolution Will Be Televised (and Advertised): "It's interesting how the mainstream staples of society have begun to extinguish themselves. Oil companies are claiming to go Green. That's believable because I know that gasoline can never hurt the environment. It's not like it inherently will destroy the Ozone Layer or anything like that. Major car companies argue that it's very important for people to buy hip and cool cars from them BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT MAINSTREAM. It's officialy cool to be anti-societal and everybody ought to be a non-conformist in this Awesome Rebellion."

Philosophers' Playground: What is the difference between hip and cool?

Philosophers' Playground: What is the difference between hip and cool?: "An interesting conversation today that tried to distinguish between being hip and being cool. One could be utterly unhip, but a very cool person. To be hip, it was argued, requires being hip to something, it means being on the cutting edge, being more current than current. Being cool on the other hand, is something else. But what else? Is it an attitude? a disposition? an image?"

bits and bobbins � archives � deep questions: hip, cool freaks and geeks

bits and bobbins � archives � deep questions: hip, cool freaks and geeks: "when it comes to fashion/style, what is “hip?” what is “cool”?

does it even matter? is it important?

is to be a hipster the goal?

what’s a hipster anyway?

do hipsters create or follow?

is it easier to follow than to lead?

is it better to be hip, of the moment, or better to be oneself, whether that is “hip” or not?

is being oneself more acceptable these days? is freakishness and geekishness celebrated or scorned?"

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

TMcG: We are not so seperate after all..

TMcG: We are not so seperate after all..: "Just read a blog post by the Urban Monk on how he disagrees with the 'trend' of post-boomer Buddhists making Buddhism more palatable for the 'raised on' MTV/McDonald's/New Coke vs Old Coke brand of Buddhists."

Beside the Point: Christian Communes Are Back

Beside the Point: Christian Communes Are Back: "Having graduated high school in 1972, I was old enough to enjoy the long-distance fruit of the Jesus People Movement (including being a regular reader of the 'underground' Jesus People magazine), but I was just a bit too young to have a chance to experience any of the Christian communes that sprung up (although I met one member of one in Florida, who told me why it didn't work for him and others)."

Madisha and the Decline of the Left � The Shrieking Man

Madisha and the Decline of the Left � The Shrieking Man: "The removal of Willie Madisha, head of the SA Democratic Teachers’ Union, from his leadership position in the Congress of South African Trade Unions is extremely interesting. To understand it, however, a lot of context, as usual, is needed.

Back in 2006 the Treasurer-General of the SA Communist Party, Phillip Dexter, was called in to investigate corruption and mismanagement at the Mpumalanga Development Corporation. This might seem a little odd; why call in a Commie to handle such things? Because Dexter headed a Cape consultancy which claimed to be good at that sort of thing. This is because Dexter comes out of a trade union background, and the trade unions were the first organisations to latch on to corporate investment by political entities."

Monday, March 03, 2008

The Moon By Night

The Moon By Night: "I just started reading a fascinating new book called Planet Narnia. The author, Michael Ward, argues that the main organizing principle behind C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia is in fact the seven medieval planets--the 'seven heavens' of medieval cosmology. The book was actually sitting in my husband's office at--I went in for some trifle, idly picked it up, became engrossed, and just sat there reading it."

Monday, February 11, 2008

Beyond the Boerewors Curtain: Identity and white English South Africans

Beyond the Boerewors Curtain: Identity and white English South Africans: "What also interests me about Apartheid is the white English role. Most English people in SA seem unaware that the British concentration camps were responsible for the deaths of 26,000 Afrikaner women and children. This is not a legacy to be lightly skipped over, and one that ties directly into one of the most thorny issues for English South Africans: identity. Who are we? We're not British, although many of us hold British passports (or can get ancestral visas, or flee to the UK when we get the chance). We're not Afrikaans, so therefore we're not responsible for Apartheid (so I've heard from many English people). 'Apartheid was something which the Afrikaners were responsible for, not us. We had no say. In all levels of government the only people who were employed were Afrikaans.' So we withdrew from the public sphere and happily existed in the neutral space between oppression and oppressed, mirroring the behaviour of everyone else."

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Andy's Blog: Take some of the mousing out of Microsoft Word

Andy's Blog: Take some of the mousing out of Microsoft Word: "I decided to write some macros to make Microsoft Word operate more like good old XyWrite, which had a key that took you to a command line where you could enter short commands for every function."

(xy)write it! has been released - RailsOnWave Ruby on Rails web 2.0 Ajax

(xy)write it! has been released - RailsOnWave Ruby on Rails web 2.0 Ajax: "(xy)write makes easy writing, sharing and collaborating on a document. It helps your team agree about what to do, wherever they are. It helps you to share a meeting report or a contract with a customer. And it makes sure that if someone changes the document, you’ll be notified via email by the system. You can invite people to collaborate with you in seconds simply having their email addresses."

Dennis: Learning Unix

Dennis: Learning Unix: "My intention is to install XyWrite on my new Linux machine, using DOSbox or DOSemu. That way I can go on using it for the rest of my days. I shall also be able to mainline on EMACS, and need never fear the whims of commercial producers of operating systems. Good or what?"

They've verbed guilt!

The American Spectator: "The Evangelical Left is again trying to guilt U.S. Evangelicals out of their traditional pro-Israel stance. The latest blast came from the Rev. Rich Nathan of the 6,500 member charismatic Vineyard Church of Columbus, Ohio."

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Mike in Nantes: Some thoughts on my year in africa

Mike in Nantes: Some thoughts on my year in africa: "I set off in search of a phenomenon. I wanted to witness, observe, explore and participate in the living theology in “African” Christianity. Grasping at the literature available, I assembled my categories from the surface level aspects of liturgy to the seemingly burgeoning African Christology, which promises a more fundamental shift in Christianity. What began to happen over the year, however, is that the parts became a whole. Piece by piece, I began to understand the limits of my own categories, as inculturation, the subject of my research led me to medicine, education, justice, dialogue and prayer. These were not simply pieces of the puzzle, to be “Africanized”; they were intermeshed interdependent aspects of an experience that is betwixt and between identities. Moreover, as the year progressed, I found this same seamless fabric working in my life, often more in my failures than my successes, as the gap of objectivity that I placed between myself and my work instigated my own brokenness; a sign I took to be of a failure to integrate the parts into whole in my own life."

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Bill Clinton and George Bush

I don't agree with this guy's politics,. but he seems to have Bush and Clinton pegged.

Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture | Your Home for Traditional Conservatism � The Way We Are Now—Facts That Just Won’t Sink In: "What is the difference between President Clinton and President Bush? Clinton was a liar and incapable of shame. Bush is a liar, incapable of shame, and dangerously ignorant, incompetent, and irresponsible.

What is the difference between Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney? Mitt has better hair.

The media, the punditry, and a large part of the public seem unable to perceive bad character and incompetence in our leaders. Or maybe it just doesn’t matter any more."

Andrew Olmsted

Major Andrew Olmsted blogged from Iraq. This is his final, posthumous, post.

Kenyan Pundit

A good blog for keeping up with the crisis in Kenya

Kenyan Pundit: "-Speaking of documenting truth, it also occurs to me that we have no reliable figures of the real death tolls on the ground. Perhaps we can begin to collect information from organizations and individuals on the ground e.g. red cross, hospitals, etc. and start to build a tally online, preferably with names. Most of the people losing their lives will remain nameless, and it might be worthwhile to at least change that. Any volunteers/ideas?"