Thursday, December 28, 2006

Lest we forget -- the US support of ethnic cleansing in the Balkans

Postman Patel's blog gives a salturary reminder that the US Democratic Party's record on warmongering is no better than that of the US republicans, and it doesn't matter which party is elected, there will always be a warmonger in the White House.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Blogger Beta is broken - Please sign in to continue

This blog has become unusable since I switcded to Blogger Beta.

All the entries are made using the Blog this feature of Blogger, which is broken in Beta.

Every time I try to use it, it says Please sign in to continue, even though I am already signed in.

And then it says:

Blogger Sign In

We found the following errors:
User account not found

Please sign in to continue

Blogger Sign In

We found the following errors:
User account not found

Please sign in to continue

Blogger Sign In

We found the following errors:
User account not found

Please sign in to continue

Blogger Sign In

We found the following errors:
User account not found

Please sign in to continue

Blogger Sign In

We found the following errors:
User account not found

Please sign in to continue

Blogger Sign In

We found the following errors:
User account not found

Please sign in to continue

Blogger Sign In

We found the following errors:
User account not found

Haven't they ever heard the saying: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

But they had to intorduce a broken Beta version of Blogger.

All the features are available, they tell you - switch now.

But they don't tell you that those features don't work, and once you've switched, it's too late, you can't go back top the working version.

My LiveJournal is at:

Blogger Beta is broken - Please sign in to continue

This blog has become unusable since I switcded to Blogger Beta.

All the entries are made using the Blog this feature of Blogger, which is broken in Beta.

Every time I try to use it, it says Please sign in to continue, even though I am already signed in.

And then it says:

Blogger Sign In

We found the following errors:
User account not found

Please sign in to continue

Blogger Sign In

We found the following errors:
User account not found

Please sign in to continue

Blogger Sign In

We found the following errors:
User account not found

Please sign in to continue

Blogger Sign In

We found the following errors:
User account not found

Please sign in to continue

Blogger Sign In

We found the following errors:
User account not found

Please sign in to continue

Blogger Sign In

We found the following errors:
User account not found

Please sign in to continue

Blogger Sign In

We found the following errors:
User account not found

Haven't they ever heard the saying: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

But they had to intorduce a broken Beta version of Blogger.

All the features are available, they tell you - switch now.

But they don't tell you that those features don't work, and once you've switched, it's too late, you can't go back top the working version.

My LiveJournal is at:

Blogger Beta is broken - Please sign in to continue

This blog has become unusable since I switcded to Blogger Beta.

All the entries are made using the Blog this feature of Blogger, which is broken in Beta.

Every time I try to use it, it says Please sign in to continue, even though I am already signed in.

And then it says:

Blogger Sign In

We found the following errors:
User account not found

Please sign in to continue

Blogger Sign In

We found the following errors:
User account not found

Please sign in to continue

Blogger Sign In

We found the following errors:
User account not found

Please sign in to continue

Blogger Sign In

We found the following errors:
User account not found

Please sign in to continue

Blogger Sign In

We found the following errors:
User account not found

Please sign in to continue

Blogger Sign In

We found the following errors:
User account not found

Please sign in to continue

Blogger Sign In

We found the following errors:
User account not found

Haven't they ever heard the saying: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

But they had to intorduce a broken Beta version of Blogger.

All the features are available, they tell you - switch now.

But they don't tell you that those features don't work, and once you've switched, it's too late, you can't go back top the working version.

My LiveJournal is at:

Wednesday, November 01, 2006



A careering astable multivibrator: strong science & math in HS, then strong Lib Arts college; then Navy Nuclear Power program; then Ph.D. in Eccles Hist (King's College London); then maintenance consulting for U.S. Navy and independent industrial consulting in Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) ... it just goes on and on ... In faith ... Baptist for 25 years, Episcopalian for 25 years, now Orthodox (in a Greek Orthodox parish)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Gaelic Starover: Vote Early!

OK, this is mainly for Americans -- it's a poll in a US newspaper on whether to impeach US President George Bush II for starting an unjust war. I suspect that many outside the USA will have an opinion on that too.

The Gaelic Starover: Vote Early!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Half an Hour: Multiculturalism

Half an Hour: Multiculturalism -- one of the better and more sensible discussions.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

"Missional" hijacked by Calvinists?

According to Mark van Steenwyk, the term "missional" ay have been hijacked by conservative evangelical Calvinists.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Adventus: Be reasonable! The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Adventus: Be reasonable! The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

A plea for justice, rather than reason, to be the basis of dialogue, contrary to Pope Benedict XVI

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Sam Harris is nuts

Since reading this, I've suddenly being seeing this Sam Harris's name cropping up all over the place, like he's some kind of celeb or something, so I thought I'd note where I first saw mention of him.

Adventus: Of branches and logs and bonfires of vanities....

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Pithless Thoughts: Orthodoxy and Same Sex Attraction

Orthodoxy and homosexuality Pithless Thoughts: Orthodoxy and Same Sex Attraction

But one question -- doesn't "homosexuality" mean "same-sex attraction"? Doesn't the term "sexual ordintation" imply just that -- what a person finds sexually attractive, which is further specified by terms like "homosexual", "bisexual", "heterosexual", "paedophilia" etc. These are the temptations, not the sin.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Adventus comments on religion and politics.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Chrsitians, Israel and homosexuals

Internet monk notes that Christians (though different groups of Christians) make excuses for the behaviour of the Israeli government and homosexuals on the basis of the cruel and unjust treatment of those groups in the past.

Jesus Creed

Scot McKnight's blog on theology, emerging church etc.

Rude Armchair Theology

Rude Armchair Theology - Michael Croghan's blog. Emerging church, missiology etc.

Hayes & Greene family history

Hayes & Greene family history -- this is our family history blog, a kind of research diary.

Notes from underground

Notes from underground is my main blog, which has detailed comments on blog entries of my raiends and others, and ideas sparked off by reading them.

Church as art: Painting and

Church as art: painting and has interesting comments about confession churches, confessions of faith, and Eberhardt Busch, Karl Barth's biographer.

I'm not sure what one is supposed to do with this, but I'm putting it here:

in case it's important.

This is a weblog pure and simple

Sometimes I just want to remember a link to a blog, without detailed comments about it, which is what a blog was originally for.

And so this blog is for simple links to blogs I want to remember.

For more detailed comments on blogs and other things, my Notes from underground blog is my main one.